"...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
My husband and I have made it a priority to keep our hearts and minds on things above. This includes asking daily for the Lord's will for our lives and for the lives of our children. We are so blessed to have such wonderful boys who love their family, appreciate the things they have, and especially love the Lord. A little time ago we had a record snow storm for Alabama and, of course, everything was closed down. It was on a Sunday, so we were all a little sad that we would not be able to attend Sunday School and Worship Service that morning. We all enjoy going to church every week and feel like it "fills our tank" to worship and be around such a loving group of people at the same time. Our youngest son was particularly sad that we wouldn't be going to church, so he watched Dr. Charles Stanley with us on television. I was so proud that he was truly interested in hearing the sermon that was on TV. He could have very easily been outside playing in the snow and it would not have made much difference. Later in the week I was in his room putting up some laundry and looked at his Etch-A-Sketch beside his bed that he received for Christmas a couple of years ago. On it was sketched "I Love God." My heart leaped and my pride burst forth like a fountain. You could not have found a more proud mother on the planet at that moment! It is truly a blessing to know that you and your children will spend eternity in heaven together. It is an even greater blessing to know that your children think about and praise God on the earth. We should all be so open with our love for God. I know that I am truly blessed and I boast only in Jesus that we are so fortunate to have the loving family that we do.
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